About Us

About The Central Observer

The circuit board was the invention that advanced technology during our lifetime.  It has impacted almost every facet of our daily lives.  Information and communication has become much more complex, not because of technology; it is complex because of how people use technology platforms to inform, communicate and entertain.  The Central Observer does not attempt to change technology, but how we use it to transmit and share accurate information to inform and educate. From the beginning, The Central Observer has been dedicated to delivering meaningful content across diverse topics and draw the flow of information for local communities that are often challenged with little-to-no coverage or a simply an objective lens of a news desk or an editor. The Central Observer will responsibly promote local journalism and offer meaningful content for all subscribers.

What can you do on The Central Observer?

  • Enjoy the content, news and events
  • Recommend a new category or topic
  • Become a local Observer! Submit content or become a regular contributor or news correspondent within your local community
  • Share our articles or content on your social media pages

Who’s behind this?

The Central Observer is run by entrepreneurs with a common mission:

  1. Foster local journalism. Paper print newspapers have been struggling to compete in this new digital age, but the fact is professional writers and journalists are still out there. We hope to bring them together in a “central” station.
  2. Build stronger local communities with accurate and objective information.
  3. Encourage writing within our younger generation through engagement and encouragement.
  4. Support local businesses so that they may market themselves through our network.
  5. Build a sustainable operating model to do all of the above. This includes expansion across the United States and abroad.

We look forward to hearing from you and possibly meeting you around the local communities we cover.

How you can help?

The Central Observer needs leads but most importantly contributors. If you are interested in covering certain local markets, do not hesitate to contact us to learn how. We want to grow through quality work, not necessarily quantity. If you know of a friend or family member who can contribute, do not hesitate to refer them. If you would like to contribute or donate to help us kickstart, we will be happy to accept your kind contributions.